My Motivation & Why LAF

The Lance Armstrong Foundation Unites People to Fight Cancer
Cancer is something everyone should be united to overcome. Cancer does not discriminate: no matter your age, race, gender, wealth, fitness level and/or where you live in the world. The LAF takes on any form of cancer via education, care & research.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year to everyone! To be honest I thought I was going to sit idle for a few years with marathons. Life is what happens when you make plans. In 2009 3 people I think highly of were diagnosed with cancer (colleague, colleague's wife and a close family friend) and have truly shown what it means to have courage and a passion for life.

With my wife and daughter's blessing...the least I could do was was lace up my sneakers and raise some money to take this ugly disease head on. The NYC Marathon is 11 months away, but felt it was blog worthy. :)

Looking forward to a great 2010, celebrating my friends last treatments and hearing each of their victory speeches.