My Motivation & Why LAF

The Lance Armstrong Foundation Unites People to Fight Cancer
Cancer is something everyone should be united to overcome. Cancer does not discriminate: no matter your age, race, gender, wealth, fitness level and/or where you live in the world. The LAF takes on any form of cancer via education, care & research.

Monday, October 18, 2010

As of this morning we've raised over $2,200 for LAF in less than a week. Needless to say I'm truly moved by everyone's generosity and support -- it means the world to me.

As for my training -- yesterday I completed my longest run in the training program (20 miles). As you can see from the graph below I was maintaining a solid pace up until the last 2 miles. The humorous thing is that the last stretch was along a parade route and a number of kids commented to their parents -- "is that guy ok?". :)

On a more serious note, last night I received the unfortunate news that one of my father's colleagues (and family friend) was diagnosed with cancer. He is in my thoughts and prayers -- if anyone can overcome adversity it's him.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Only 25 days until the NYC Marathon and combined my team of LIVESTRONG runners (300 in total) has raised over $502,000.

In preparation for my longest run in the training program, I stopped off at REI last night and bought enough PowerBar Gels to keep even an elephant energized. After Sunday's long run (20 miles) the best part of marathon training begins—the taper.

Thank you to everyone for their generosity and support.

This past weekend I stair stepped down my long run mileage to 14 miles (the week before I ramped up to 18 miles).