My Motivation & Why LAF

The Lance Armstrong Foundation Unites People to Fight Cancer
Cancer is something everyone should be united to overcome. Cancer does not discriminate: no matter your age, race, gender, wealth, fitness level and/or where you live in the world. The LAF takes on any form of cancer via education, care & research.

Monday, September 22, 2008

20 Mile Run & 3 Weeks Until Chicago

I was able to complete the 20 mile long run yesterday. I've been super busy at work the last couple of weeks so I haven't been able to get my weekly mileage in. It took a bit of self motivation to get Paula Radcliffe (on my Nike+ iPod) to say, "Congratulations this is your longest run yet".

I took a new route and ended my run about 2.5 mile from the train stop and 3.5 miles from home. Thankfully my wife was home and was willing to pick me up at the local Trader Joe's.

With only 3 weeks left until the Chicago Marathon I will begin tapering (can't wait). Next week my long run will be 12 miles and the following week 6 miles. I'm ready to let my muscles recover.

I completed my long run of the week yesterday afternoon with 20 miles. It took a bit out of me but after consuming about 12-14 ounces of pot roast with mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner...I'm recovering nicely (thanks to Chris). For the next 3 weeks I begin to taper before the marathon.

While we didn't top last week's fundraising high of $1,000....things are going great. My hope is to reach over $5,000 in donations by next week.

Currently, 1,500 Americans per day die from cancer.
(Source: American Cancer Society)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Over $4,800 Raised!

In one week we have raised another $1,000 for LAF, with a grand total of nearly $4,900 in donations. I am truly touched and speechless by everyone's generosity and kindness. Enthusiasm is contagious and many of you have emailed friends/family on behalf of me...thank you.

I've been asked by a number of you if there is enough space to print all the names on your race day shirt (I am printing names of people who have either survived cancer, are fighting or in memory of); the answer is yes. The names of your loved ones (who are each amazing and special) is the reason I run for LAF. I just might have to wear a cape. :)

My hope is to be able to share some exciting news within the week regarding a new corporate sponsor. With the help of individuals, companies and upcoming fundraising events raising $25,000 for LAF is becoming more and more a reality.

Training Update:
I completed my long run of the week yesterday evening with 14 miles. I felt really good throughout the entire run and excited to take on the Chicago Marathon in less than a month. Next week I face my most challenging long run before the marathon, 20 miles.

Fundraising Update:
In just over a month we have raised nearly $4,900 for LAF! We are 20% of the way there to accomplishing the goal of raising $25,000 for LAF. With the addition of another corporate sponsor we will be that much closer.

Within the next decade, cancer is likely to replace heart disease as the leading cause of death in the U.S. It is already the biggest killer of those under the age of 85.
American Cancer Society)

Monday, September 8, 2008

$3,800 Raised & 18 Mile Long Run

As of this morning we reached $3,800 in donations in just over a month. My hope is to reach the $4,000 mark by early next week. Thank you to everyone for their continued generosity and support.

I went on my 18 mile long run yesterday. Tropical Storm Hanna rolled through New England the night before with little to no drama, so to my surprise things were drier than expected. I now have an unofficial corporate sponsor to announce. A Mobil gas station in Cambridge saved me at mile 16 with an open restroom. Needless to say Mobil was clutch in me concluding a successful and uneventful run. :)

Training Update:
I completed my long run of the week yesterday afternoon with 18 miles. Next week I step down the mileage to 14 miles.

Fundraising Update:
In just over a month we've raised $3,800 for LAF! The minimum I need to raise for each marathon is $3,500 ($7,000 total). Thanks to your generous support I have met my minimum requirement to run in the Chicago Marathon.

Today 65% of adults diagnosed with cancer will be alive five years after diagnosis, up from 50% in the 1970s.
(Source: American Cancer Society)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Over $3,000 Raised!

In less than a month we have been able to raise over $3,000 for the Livestrong Foundation. One of my really good friends hit the fundraising trail with an email blast on my behalf which was greatly appreciated. I guess the movie box office isn't the only ones who benefit from a 3-day holiday weekend (nearly $1,000 raised since Friday).

I was in Houston this past weekend and had to leave early to avoid Hurricane Gustav, which allowed me the opportunity to get my long run in yesterday. It is so much easier to run on the weekend rested compared to after a long day at work in the darkness.

Training Update:
I completed my long run of the week yesterday afternoon with 12 miles. Next week will be a challenging run with 18 miles. I'll need to stock up on energy gels.

Fundraising Update:
In less than a month we've raised over $3,000 for LAF! The minimum I need to raise for Livestrong to run each marathon is $3,500 ($7,000 total). With 8 months until the Boston Marathon, reaching the $25,000 fundraising goal is shaping up well. The below numbers include pledged donations.

1.4 million Americans are expected to be diagnosed with cancer this year
(Source: American Cancer Society)