My Motivation & Why LAF

The Lance Armstrong Foundation Unites People to Fight Cancer
Cancer is something everyone should be united to overcome. Cancer does not discriminate: no matter your age, race, gender, wealth, fitness level and/or where you live in the world. The LAF takes on any form of cancer via education, care & research.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Over $4,800 Raised!

In one week we have raised another $1,000 for LAF, with a grand total of nearly $4,900 in donations. I am truly touched and speechless by everyone's generosity and kindness. Enthusiasm is contagious and many of you have emailed friends/family on behalf of me...thank you.

I've been asked by a number of you if there is enough space to print all the names on your race day shirt (I am printing names of people who have either survived cancer, are fighting or in memory of); the answer is yes. The names of your loved ones (who are each amazing and special) is the reason I run for LAF. I just might have to wear a cape. :)

My hope is to be able to share some exciting news within the week regarding a new corporate sponsor. With the help of individuals, companies and upcoming fundraising events raising $25,000 for LAF is becoming more and more a reality.

Training Update:
I completed my long run of the week yesterday evening with 14 miles. I felt really good throughout the entire run and excited to take on the Chicago Marathon in less than a month. Next week I face my most challenging long run before the marathon, 20 miles.

Fundraising Update:
In just over a month we have raised nearly $4,900 for LAF! We are 20% of the way there to accomplishing the goal of raising $25,000 for LAF. With the addition of another corporate sponsor we will be that much closer.

Within the next decade, cancer is likely to replace heart disease as the leading cause of death in the U.S. It is already the biggest killer of those under the age of 85.
American Cancer Society)

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