My Motivation & Why LAF

The Lance Armstrong Foundation Unites People to Fight Cancer
Cancer is something everyone should be united to overcome. Cancer does not discriminate: no matter your age, race, gender, wealth, fitness level and/or where you live in the world. The LAF takes on any form of cancer via education, care & research.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Donations From Around the World

Donations have come in from all corners of the world – Hong Kong to Oxford, Ohio.

I have received emails from individuals sharing their personal stories of cancer that are truly inspirational and touching. For everyone who has supplied a name(s) to me (for my shirt or with their donation), I truly think about them as I train and fundraise.

Needless to say there are many of you who are in my thoughts and prayers….you truly represent the definition of living strong.

Training Update:

I completed my long run of the week last night with 16 miles. Someone in my office asked how it went…the best way to sum it up is when I got home my wife (Chris) asked if I was OK. :)

Going forward I’m going to do my long runs on the weekends. (next week I decrease my long run mileage – 12 miles).

Fundraising Update:

After only 3 weeks we’ve raised over $2,300 for LAF! By this time next week my hope is to close in on the $3,000 mark.

There are more than 10.5 million cancer survivors living in the United States today. (Source: American Cancer Society)

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